How to Choose SVM Threshold
The classification model for predicting pseudouridine sites was based on support vector machine(SVM). The software LIBSVM3.20(Chang and Lin, 2001 Software available at was employed in this work, in which a radial basis function(RBF) was chosen as the kernel function.
For a given test example x, an SVM classifier outputs a predictive value that represents the distance of x from the optimal separating hyperplane in the feature space. we used a technique known as binning to convert predictive values to posterior probabilities (Kwok, 1999), which was implemented internally in the LIB-SVM software package. The larger the posterior probability is for a site, the more likely the site is a pseudouridine site. The threshold, allowed user to choose in web page, is to filter this posterior probability. Therefore, if user want to have more predictions, then choose a lower probability; while if user want to have only the most reliable predictions, then choose a higher probability.
More, to make it easy to display in web page, we convert this probability to M-score by equation: M-score=floor(10*probability). The M-score ("6" and "9" in red circle "1" in Figure 1) is to show whether a prediction is reliable or not. M-score can be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. The higher the M-score, the more reliable the prediction.

[1]Chang, C.-C., Lin, C.-J., , LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines Software available at, 2001.
[2]Kwok, J.Y. (1999) Moderating the outputs of support vector machine classifiers, IEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, 10, 1018-1031.